Dr JS Moroka Population
Male Citizens
Female Citizens
Young (0-14)
Working Age (15-64)
Elderly (65+)
The Municipality considered the demographic information that was provided by the Stats S.A. Census 2011. This data provides a more recent picture of development in the municipal area since the Community Surveys, conducted in 2007, and it enables the municipality to analyse the development in the municipality from 2001 to 2011 and going forward. In each of the areas covered by the Statistics, a comparison was made between the level of development in 2001 and the situation in 2011 and it makes it easy for community members and stakeholders to conclude on whether the objectives were achieved in Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality.
According to Census 2011, the municipality has a total population of 249 705 individuals, 99,4% of whom are Black African. Indians and other Asian groups make up 0,3% of the population, and the remaining 0,3% is occupied by the other race groups.
Of those aged 20 years and older, 4,7% have completed primary school, 31% have some secondary education, 25,2% have completed Matric and 6,6% have some form of higher education. 17,5% of those aged 20 years and older have no form of schooling.
The household number within Dr J.S. Moroka Local Municipality has grown from 54339 (Census 2001) to 62162 (Census 2011) with the annual growth of 1,35% and the average size of household has dropped at 4,01% in comparison to 4.45% (census 2001). Poverty Rate has dropped from 56% (census 2001) to 39.90% (census 2011) Unemployment rate: 15-65 years has dropped at 46.60% in comparison to 55.77% Census 1996 and 60.70% census 2001.person with disability and women unemployment rate has decreased at 49.81% in comparison to 66.24% census 2001.
Youth 15-35 year’s unemployment rate decrease at 60.66% in comparison to 75.27 Census 2001. General statistics on household income indicates improvements /decline therefore it gives the positive trend because people are employed.
Quick fact
96,7% Use electricity for lighting.
Quick fact
17,4% of those 20+ have no schooling.
Quick fact
60,66% Youth unemployment rate.